It always happens to me! I think it happens to most of the dietitians. Whenever I go to a social gathering and introduce myself as a dietitian, the first reaction is "oh !you are a dietitian. Suggest something, I am gaining weight. " Is diet just related to weight gain or weight loss ?

I did my internship from a government hospital to take care of patients who did not have sufficient food to eat. It was a challenging task to prescribe a diet , a nutritious diet to patients who cannot afford food. Most of them were daily wagers. Two decades later , things have changed a bit. We have globalised. We are growing economically. We are getting food items from all over the world. We have so much to choose from. The mass media is full of such advertisements which suggest what to eat and what not to.

The most interesting part is that the people suggest anybody anytime about the pros and cons of the food. Thanks to the search engines which advertise certain food items. We have become self conscious because of this diet. If you search the word "diet" in the best dictionaries of the world, it is stated as the food and drinks which is consumed on a regular basis. But the common theory of dieting is limiting your food intake and the dietitian is one who restricts the food intake. But is this the proper definition of a dietitian?

We dietitians are meant to help the people with their food so that they can lead a healthy lifestyle. Dietitians are trained for at least 5 to 6 years so that we can guide other people. Food and diet has a crucial role in our life . People need food as soon they enter this world and eat till the day they are living. And the whole journey is not dependent upon soups and salads and health drinks , etc. They do eat the real food according to the age, sex, caste, cultural beliefs, health conditions. We qualified dietitians are there for suggesting diet to people of all age groups according to their sex, caste, cultural beliefs, health conditions. Dietitians calculate the nutrients to give a balanced diet to each and every one. They calculate the micronutrients and the macronutrient for a weaning child or a school going one or a teenager or an office going person or an elderly person. Dietitians are of various types and work in various places like hospitals, health centres, fitness centres, sports nutrition, researchers, schools, food industries, etc.

Dietitians are specified as:

Clinical dietitians, Community dietitians, Food service dietitians, Gerontological dietitian, Neonatal dietitians, Paediatric dietitian, Research dietitian, Administrative dietitian , Business Dietitian, Consultant dietitian. And the work is to provide a proper meal plan by calculating the nutrients.

So eat properly, respect the food . There is no miracle diet or food . No bad food or good food either. Food is a necessity and diet is vital. In schools we are taught to thank God for the food. It should be followed till later.

Enjoy your food and "Diet" well and let the Dietitian do the calculation for your "Diet - ing".


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