Astachakra: The centers of Energy in the body

Astachakra: The centers of Energy in the body

Ayurveda and Yoga is not just the science of health, it is the science of life. How can we restrict anger and outbursts is told by Ayurveda and yoga. Ayurveda and yoga also teach us how we can get motivated to perform the right actions. The topic that I am going to discuss is not considered a subject of Ayurveda, directly. This is a subject of yoga. I am going to link Ashta Chakra to the science of the body. It is indeed related to the body. Though chakras are subtle energies and live deep within their relationship is to the body. Anything related to the body is related to its health.

Yoga and Ayurveda are proven science of complete health and there is no doubt that one can achieve complete health of body, mind, and soul through them. When the inner consciousness is awakened we shall be able to develop the consciousness at a greater level. Yoga and Ayurveda are the only ways for an individual to attain complete health, eternal bliss, and a divine life by awakening inner knowledge and consciousness and by developing one's intellect.

To know this extensively, it is essential to understand the power centers located within the body. These power centers are called- 'Chakras'. In the city of our body, there is an illuminating golden treasure- Sahasrara Chakra. Which is very bright and filled with infinite, eternal happiness, bliss, peace, and divine light.

How to awaken the Chakras?: The Chakras can only be awakened through Sadhana-meditation but a very important factor is 'Good conduct' Without Satvikta or Good conduct it is not possible to awaken the chakras. So only through the practice of yoga, worship and meditation can the seekers achieve this divine treasure.

Where are Chakras located?: These Chakras are situated from below the base of the spine the Muladhara (filum terminal) to the Sahasrara-brain throughout the spinal cord.  Now the question is what are the colors of the Ashta Chakras and what are their designs. If you have seen the pictures of great saints, you must have seen the round aura around their heads. The petals of the Chakras imagined in the classics are the group of subtle nerve plexuses around the Chakra. The most important nerves among them are Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. The energy of Ida Nadi flows through the Prana Vayu of the left nostril and Pingla through the right nostril. Ida Nadi is called Chandra Nadi and Pingala is called Surya Nadi. Ida is cold and Pingala is hot.

Some people believe in six chakras and some in seven chakras. It is very clearly mentioned in 'Atharva Veda' that there are eight chakras and nine doors.

  1. The first chakra is the Muladhara chakra. This is situated in the spinal cord between the anus and genital organs to the lowest point of the spinal cord. This is connected with the instinctual behaviors of human beings. 
  2. The second chakra is the Svadhisthan chakra. It is situated behind the sexual organs (reproductive organs) in the spinal cord. It is associated with the subconscious mind. It is related to childbearing.
  3. The third chakra is the Manipura chakra. It is situated behind the navel in the spinal cord. It regulates the digestive system and Jatharagni or digestive fire. 
  4. The fourth is the Anahat chakra. This is situated in the spinal cord behind the heart's right side, in the chest (between the breasts). This regulates blood circulation, heart, and lung functioning. It also regulates the nervous system and the immune system.
  5. The fifth chakra is the Vishudha chakra (The throat chakra). It is located in the throat (behind the thyroid and parathyroid glands) in the spinal cord. It is responsible for controlling the vocal cords and for growth and development, hunger, thirst, and temperature.
  6. Sixth is Ajna chakra (the third eye or medullary plexus). This is situated behind the center of the eyebrows above the spinal cord. This is associated with willpower and progressiveness. This is said to be the center of all our knowledge of shastras and science etc
  7. The seventh chakra is manas chakra. People who talk of seven chakras, do not speak about it. Maybe they wanted to keep it secret. This is known as Bindu or Lana chakra. The heart is controlled by the Manas chakra that is located at the hypothalamus. The place of emotions and heart is 'Manas chakra'.
  8. The eighth chakra is the Sahasrara chakra (The crown chakra) All spiritual powers are achieved here. 

The eight chakras (power centers) energies, balance and activate the vital energy in the whole body. 

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