I went to a supermarket a few days ago, I was amazed to see hundreds of packs of cinnamon in the diet section. It is good to be diet conscious and now sneaking into anybody's diet and following it blindly is so common that I am scared of the consequences.

Cinnamon is really good for health but isn't it a spice ? Isn't it used in a particular quantity? Isn't the spices used in more than the prescribed quantity harms the body ?

People should consume it but after asking certified nutritionist or certified dietitian. If you do not want to consult then treat cinnamon like any other spices .

Cinnamon is the inner bark of the young shoots of the cinnamon tree.It contains cinnamic aldehyde , cinnamyl acetate and cinnamyl alcohol, a volatile oil. It also contains coumarin , too much of coumarin is toxic.

It is aromatic, astringent and stimulatory. Used to impart flavor to food.

Cinnamon may help to strengthen the cardiovascular system, shielding the heart from disorders. It has cholesterol lowering effects.

The spice also acts as a blood thinning agent that increases circulation. So it has to be used cautiously with blood thinning medicine.

It also acts as a carminative.

May also reduce discomfort from heartburn.

Cinnamon tea helps prevent motion sickness. Take it in a small thermos flask and sip slowly. Pour boiling water over one small piece of cinnamon bark and steep for 10 minutes and strain.

Have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

May ward off bacteria such as H. pylori which has been linked to ulcers.

May relief from menstrual cramps.

Sniffing of a mixture of cinnamon with other spices is often helpful and is particularly useful in blocked nose.

Due to it's sweet aroma and flavour it can be added to food for diabetics to impart sweetness in milk or desserts. It may help in reducing blood sugar in diabetics. It can mimic the effects of insulin. While a small amount is beneficial ,there will be a sudden drop of blood sugar if taken more than prescribed.

Use cinnamon as a spice , it will benefit but if used as a supplement it can create side effects and harm. It may cause liver damage. May increase the risk of cancer. May cause mouth sores. May interact with certain medication. So if under certain medications ,the dosage has to be checked. It causes low blood pressure. May cause breathing problems if inhaled. It is also not advisable for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in high doses.

Enjoy cinnamon to flavour Indian curries , pulao , biriyani , kahwa but to use as a supplement, please think twice.

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